
Summer 2022 Newsletter

1229 Third Street – Beaver, PA 15009 ●

NAMI Newsletter

Summer 2022

At NAMI Beaver County, you will find unconditional support and be a part of a very caring group of individuals who provide quality support groups and services to anyone who walks through our door and joins us online.

NAMI Newsletter - Summer 2022

“There Shall be Eternal Summer in the Grateful Heart”

Summer 2022:

Summer can be a very transformative time for us, as the weather changes and opportunities arise for vacations and outings. Please remember to continue to take time for yourself and be good to yourself as the summer progresses. Take time to enjoy nature and value the outdoors, no matter what the temperature. Always find something positive in each observation. Each season can bring something new and enjoyable. The theme of this newsletter is togetherness, as it is important to allow others in and seek out support when you need it. Summer is a time known for reunions, concerts, and other social events. Remember that we always have someone who is willing to listen.

The Importance of Community in Support

We are social beings, and we are not meant to live in isolation. Community is critical for us to thrive, especially for someone with mental illness who is already experiencing the common symptoms of loneliness and isolation.

Community provides many elements that are critical to mental health, but here are three of the most beneficial aspects.


If you’ve ever felt like you don’t fit in, you know it can be a lonely experience. Community provides a sense of belonging — a group you identify as being a part of. This is different than conforming to be in a group. A true sense of belonging includes the ability for you to feel you are a part of the community as your true self. There is not anything you have to change to be a part of the community, but instead, you are embraced and appreciated for your unique qualities.


Who do you turn to when you need something? Having people you can call on when you need to talk or need help with something can help you through difficult situations that might feel insurmountable alone. Knowing there are people who support you can help you feel cared for and safe and can benefit your outlook on life.


In community, people fill different roles. Perhaps you’re the friend who enjoys cooking and can be counted on to bring a hot meal over when someone is going through something. Or you’re the friend who others know they can call when they need to talk about their struggles. These roles can give you a sense of purpose through bettering other people’s lives. Having purpose, and helping others, helps give meaning to life.

“Rise Above the Storm and You will Find the Sunshine”

NAMI Beaver County Support Groups:

NAMI Connection – Every Tuesday at 11:30 am in-person at our location. Connection is a recovery support group exclusively for those who experience mental health conditions. It is led by trained facilitators who are peers in recovery. The purpose of the group is to bring peers together to learn from and support one another in their recovery journey.

NAMI Family Support Group – Virtually through Zoom every Tuesday at noon. Also, in-person at our location every third Thursday of the month. The Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for family members, caregivers and loved ones of individuals living with mental illness. Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar circumstances.

Rising Stars – Virtually through Zoom every Thursday at 7 pm. Rising Stars is a young adult empowerment support group that highlights strengths, dreams, and helps participants overcome their fears.

Momma Bears – Virtually through Zoom every other Tuesday. Momma Bears provides a safe environment for new & expectant mothers to voice their stressors and concerns with motherhood to assist in their coping and understanding of motherhood.

Family to Family – Offered Seasonally. NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 12-session educational program for family, significant others and friends of people living with mental illness. It is a designated evidenced-based program. Family to Family can be attended virtually as well.

Peer to Peer – Offered Seasonally. Peer to Peer is a free, 10-session educational program for adults with mental illness who are looking to better understand their condition and journey toward recovery. NAMI Peer-to-Peer Program Watch on Taught by a trained team of people who’ve been there, the program includes presentations, discussion, and interactive exercises. Peer to Peer can be attended virtually as well.

Please be aware that all our programs are provided at no-cost. In addition, there are no requirements for registering for our in-person programs. For our virtual options, a very simple registration is required with name, address, and phone number for safety purposes. Please register through or call us at 724-888-6877.

Coming Soon: Empowerment Abroad – Support that has no borders. Virtual support group for our friends who are outside the United States.

We look forward to serving you virtually and in-person as the year progresses. There is a lot to look forward to in our community!

Membership 2022:

A Word from our Executive Director

As we move through 2022, NAMI Beaver County is excited to continue to offer our signature programs such as NAMI Connection and the return of Family to Family this fall. In addition, we have innovative online support groups that you can find out more about on our website and Facebook! Locally, memberships are important as it allows NAMI Beaver County to provide new and innovative programming and support groups, which our community truly benefits from.

Top Reasons to Be a NAMI Member:

5. Fight stigma. Membership helps NAMI to present more than 8,000 stigma-busting community awareness presentations each year like NAMI In Our Own Voice and NAMI Ending the Silence.

4. Aid the NAMI HelpLine. Membership dues keep the NAMI HelpLine phones and emails answered. The HelpLine provides information, resource referrals and peer support to more than 50,000 people each year.

3. Keep programing free. Membership helps ensure that NAMI’s programs like NAMI Basics, NAMI Family-To-Family or NAMI Peer-To-Peer, NAMI Family Support Groups and NAMI Connection stay free to anyone wanting to attend.

2. People will listen. The voices of NAMI members strengthen the organization’s impact with local, state and national leaders and legislators to spread awareness, shape legislation and remove stigmas.

1. Because NAMI’s mission is to improve the lives of people affected by mental illness. If this is your passion too, NAMI is where you belong.

You can join or update your membership from our website. It is easy to renew or join: