
“Where Are the Cocoa Puffs?” Book Review

Karen Winters Schwarts “Where Are The Cocoa Puffs?: A 

Family’s Journey Through Bipolar Disorder” is the tale about 

Amanda, an eighteen year old girl, who is diagnosed with manic 

depressive illness. The most intriguing aspect of this book was that 

it showed how Amanda’s behavior and diagnoses affected her 
friends and family. Rather than being from one perspective, we see how mental illness affects not only the consumer, but their parents, siblings, and friends. Though this is a fictional tale, it beautifully captures Amanda’s and her family’s struggle to understand and accept her bipolar disorder. I found this story to be funny, sad, and thought provoking, yet I would not advise it for younger readers. Ultimately, Where Are The Cocoa Puffs? Is a tale that will educate, inspire, and comfort you, so follow Amanda and her family as they struggle to accept the onset of her illness.IMG_8355